November 10. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="January 2016 – Claiming Your Feminine Power in the Workplace" url=""]
In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still discusses feminine power in the workplace and the difference between using masculine energy and feminine energy and how...
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November 3. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="May 2016 – The Hidden Piece Around the Word Justify" url=""]
In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still shares a personal A-Ha! Moment she has during her morning meditation about the word...
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October 20. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="June 2016 – A Simple Practice to End Pulling Energy From Others" url=""]
In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still shares simple practices to stop pulling energy from others creating a relationship that is balanced in giving and...
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October 13. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="The Moon Cycles – Aligning Yourself for Phenomenal Results" url=""]
We have all heard the term that we are made of stardust, yet how many of us truly understand what that means or how it...
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September 29. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="The Gift of Silence Especially with a Hectic Schedule" url=""]
If you are constantly talking, where is there time to hear God? To be with your Soul? I really learned this about 3 years ago. This is what fully came to me in meditation and in a state of awakening after my silence...
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August 25. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Parenting – An Awakened Approach to Raising Our Children" url=""]
I didn't really understand what selflessness was until I became a parent. There are many different levels of learning this from literally not sleeping to feeding and comforting...
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July 14. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="How to Shift Out of Spiritual Arrogance and Judgement" url=""]
Spiritual arrogance and judgment often arise when we go on a path of awakening and it creates tremendous pain for ourselves and those we judge or view as less than. When we have to be absolutely right about something this creates separation because it automatically makes someone else wrong. Honoring your truth is important while holding the space of acceptance that truth resonates differently within all of us depending on where we are at in our awakening. When we are not able to do this we create suffering through the energy of spiritual arrogance. And, in this state, it is guaranteed you'll never reach enlightenment since the center of this is to drop away the illusion of separation. So, how can we shift this? We shift out of spiritual arrogance and judgment by moving into a state of observation. We can make this shift by asking ourselves basic questions around our reactions to events that we know are out of integrity for us. It gives us a moment to pause, to shift out of a contracted reaction, and come from our...
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June 16. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Healing Your Third Eye – How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal Gland" url=""]
The third eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is our doorway to psychic awareness. Unfortunately, environmental factors affect pineal gland health greatly. Here is a very simple and efficient way to stop damaging the gland, reverse any damage done, and strengthen it to a high state of health so that you can work on developing your psychic abilities with significantly improved results. ...
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May 19. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="The Magic of the Number 108" url=""]
This article on the magic of the number 108 was written as promised from the writing on a blog I wrote called, "The Magic of Mantra & Yantra – How it Works...
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