Mastering Your Light – One Day Intensive with Brook in Israel

August 26. 2021 | by Brook Still | [ssba title="Mastering Your Light – One Day Intensive with Brook in Israel" url=""]

This is a special one day condensed intensive of  Brook’s 3-day teaching.  In Mastering Your Light, we bring to light how our bodies are formed and, in the formation of them, how we call in different life lessons.  Learn how to easily recognize what chakra you have chosen to master in this lifetime and powerful tools to realign them to achieve your life lessons. Doing so you can graciously step into new and joyous levels in your own Awakening. What you will receive: Brook’s in-depth Chakra Chart created from years of training and teachings Downloads for all of the bodies and chakra systems Alchemy teachings in balancing the elements in the body Initiation and teaching of a master seed Mantra that awakens and helps integrate the light body within your form. (This mantra was graced to Brook by the first enlightened Siddha Master she studied with.) Sound healing session with Brook and powerful downloads for your body Deep teachings to really understand frequencies/ hertz in the body A powerful practice to take home and continue your healing and empowerment This...

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How to Shift from Suffering to Joy!

May 17. 2018 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="How to Shift from Suffering to Joy!" url=""]

Have you ever wondered why an event that happens can seem to be so much easier or harder from one person to the next in the same circumstance? A great example is having a relationship end and for one person it seems to be excruciating and for the other they may be a little sad...

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Healing Soul Loss

Healing Soul Loss

July 13. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Healing Soul Loss" url=""]

Healing soul loss begins by understanding what the shamans have actually referred to as soul loss for centuries. Please know, that your soul is whole and...

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How to Shift Out of Spiritual Arrogance and Judgement

How to Shift Out of Spiritual Arrogance and Judgement

July 14. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="How to Shift Out of Spiritual Arrogance and Judgement" url=""]

Spiritual arrogance and judgment often arise when we go on a path of awakening and it creates tremendous pain for ourselves and those we judge or view as less than.  When we have to be absolutely right about something this creates separation because it automatically makes someone else wrong.  Honoring your truth is important while holding the space of acceptance that truth resonates differently within all of us depending on where we are at in our awakening.  When we are not able to do this we create suffering through the energy of spiritual arrogance.  And, in this state, it is guaranteed you'll never reach enlightenment since the center of this is to drop away the illusion of separation.  So, how can we shift this?  We shift out of spiritual arrogance and judgment by moving into a state of observation. We can make this shift by asking ourselves basic questions around our reactions to events that we know are out of integrity for us.  It gives us a moment to pause, to shift out of a contracted reaction, and come from our...

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Healing Your Third Eye - How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal Gland

Healing Your Third Eye – How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal Gland

June 16. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Healing Your Third Eye – How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal Gland" url=""]

The third eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is our doorway to psychic awareness. Unfortunately, environmental factors affect pineal gland health greatly. Here is a very simple and efficient way to stop damaging the gland, reverse any damage done, and strengthen it to a high state of health so that you can work on developing your psychic abilities with significantly improved results. ...

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Mmmm Brains – The Key to Enlightenment

June 18. 2015 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Mmmm Brains – The Key to Enlightenment" url=""]

Crazy title I know and yet once you read this you’ll probably be thinking the same thing. Over the past five years, I have been doing a tremendous amount of focused brain work with clients, students, and on myself. In my search to activate, heal and awaken the brain, I’ve studied amazing teachings in sacred geometry, meditation and delved deeply into high-level breath work. I have also been feeding my curiosity and voraciously reading as much as I can on all the latest scientific and medical research for answers and clarity. I love that all of this information is merging so beautifully now. What I have found is that activating the brain allows us to absorb more light into it and through it as well as throughout all of the body. This is a major key in the enlightenment process. The Universe sends us so much energy and most of us cannot absorb even a fraction of what is offered. This has to do with where we are in the awakening process, how we eat, how we speak to ourselves,...

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Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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