How to Work with People that You Don’t Resonate With

August 11. 2016 | by Brook Still | Ask Brook, Featured Articles[ssba title="How to Work with People that You Don’t Resonate With" url=""]

Q. I work with a lot of different types of clients from varying backgrounds and find myself easily connecting with some in service and not being able to connect with others even energetically. What would you recommend I do so I can better serve these individuals as well? Anne R. – Manhattan, NY   A. When we are able to easily connect with clients it is usually one of two things, you have a similar resonance with one another and/or the client is open enough and ready to move forward in their work with you. When we are stuck working with people that we do not resonate with, the energy is quite simply that, stuck. The best way to move through this energy is to take an honest look at what you have an aversion to in the other person. Most people will tell you to just to avoid them or keep everything as depersonalized as possible, speaking only when you absolutely have to. This is throwing a perfectly good healing/teaching opportunity out the window. Here is the simple truth,...

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Increasing Your Abilities As a Healer

August 6. 2015 | by Brook Still | Ask Brook, Featured Articles[ssba title="Increasing Your Abilities As a Healer" url=""]

Q.How can I trust that what I am doing as a healer is right for the people I am working on, how do I know if it will work? - Annie, Malaysia   A. Annie, thank you for writing. You wrote a lot of things down and in looking at your letter the basic question I was able to get out of it was what is written above. I can see you’re going through a phase, which so many of us healers go through, and I share this with the intention that it helps you move through this with more grace. For many healing practitioners, we start with one modality, think its great, start our work in bliss, and have our first few clients, and things are going great. We’re happy, they’re happy, the results look good, and then it stops being as effective, or we get new people in that this particular tool doesn’t work for. This is the point when we will start judging ourselves. There are two things people usually do at this stage; give up, or...

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