January 14. 2025 | by Brook Still | [ssba title="Spherical Magic" url="https://creationcenter.org/event/spherical-magic/"]
Join me for a special two-hour Zoom training to receive the initiation and teachings for Spherical Magic as well as a specific shamanic nature and universal blessing to deepen your ability to stay connected, centered, and energetically clear. This is the first time I am offering this training. It will serve to empower you and instill a practice that will keep you engaged in compassionate action while maintaining a relaxed state. This is so vital for our lives right now. It is fast, it is expansive, and it is a very clear path for working with your Soul in all its incarnations for immediate results now. For many, this year is going to be an unprecedented year of deep change. This year of completion is so set in its energy it looks to be almost written as fated change. It will make life very challenging if you continue to ignore lessons and not take the actions that you know you need to complete in order to live and be in your Truth. This is a chance to dive in and...
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June 9. 2016 | by Brook Still | Ask Brook, Featured Articles[ssba title="How to Heal Deep Seeded Emotional Triggers" url="https://creationcenter.org/maneuvering-through-the-drama-triangle-to-heal-deep-seeded-emotional-triggers/"]
Q. How do we heal through deep seeded emotional triggers when they've been practiced for years? ~ Talya – B.C. Canada A. The most powerful way I’ve found to heal deep seeded emotional triggers is to get really real with myself by asking the poignant question of “What part am I playing in this reactive state to my emotional trigger?” “What am I getting out of this that I am so willing to go into this reaction over and over again?” Once I’ve sat with these questions I can usually point it out to a role in the drama triangle. The roles of the drama triangle are Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. And most of the time, it is one of the major three energies under each role in this triangle. It is also tied into feeling the need to be honored, being justified in our actions, being heard, receiving some form of acknowledgment of worth, feeling loved or the need for connection with others even if it isn’t positive - it’s still a connection. There is a remarkable way...
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February 25. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Meeting the World with Empowered Innocence" url="https://creationcenter.org/meeting-the-world-with-empowered-innocence/"]
As adults, how we introduce ourselves is more about what we do in the world and less about who we truly are. As kids, it was your name and then a myriad of questions to find connection: “What’s your favorite game? Do you like to ride bikes? My favorite color is a rainbow, what’s yours?” These questions were based more on what you liked and what you liked to do, so that we could do it together. Through this onslaught of fast paced excited questioning, it often lead to super-charged joyous connection blowing the mere happy by yourself right out of the water. As for me, the squeals of delight and sound of group laughter were the highlight of my days as a kid. Now, as an adult, it’s the blissful connection to my Soul that excites me, followed by the squeals of delight and sounds of group laughter. This way of being offers me the balance of being a fully empowered adult with a childlike heart of innocence. For me it is the amazing gift of being powerful, playful,...
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