~Ashana – Artist & Healer, Arizona, USA

~Ashana – Artist & Healer, Arizona, USA
Being with Brook is an extraordinary blessing. The sheer magnitude of love that flows from her spirit to everything around her is indescribable. I can speak volumes about the impeccability of her teachings, her focus, clarity and the way she is able to empower her students on every level with phenomenal love and great, great joy. I love Brook. I love studying with Brook and truthfully, I would happily travel to the ends of the earth and back simply to sit with her and drink tea. Just the thought makes my heart and soul sing.

Being with Brook is an extraordinary blessing.  The sheer magnitude of love that flows from her spirit to everything around her is indescribable.  I can speak volumes about the impeccability of her teachings, her focus, clarity and the way she is able to empower her students on every level with phenomenal love and great, great joy.  I love Brook.  I love studying with Brook and truthfully, I would happily travel to the ends of the earth and back simply to sit with her and drink tea.  Just the thought makes my heart and soul sing.

Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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