Thea Shaw

Email: [email protected]

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As a certified practitioner of multiple healing modalities and with more than 25 years enacting business best practices, Thea supports others in bringing their gifts to the world. For those who feel they would benefit from such support, she offers the Brain Soulutions modality to assist with shifting out interwoven limiting patterns and beliefs, opening to a greater flow of Divine consciousness. Thea’s particular vibration and techniques bring more ease to and expansion for sharing our gifts so they may uplift others. With a background in business management, she has worked with start-ups, venture capital companies, and multi-nationals to implement mergers, launch new offerings, grow investment funds, and re-envision global business models. She has seen how congruent intentions and beliefs allow what is ready to come in and to move through us, out into the world. Joining this and other learnings with teachings from animal communication, healing systems, and master-teachers such as Brook, she endeavors to ground, nurture and expand the foundation from which each of us serves.

Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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