Julie Davis

Phone: 903-821-0509

Email: [email protected]

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Country: , State: , City: Dallas

Julie Davis has extensively worked with special needs children in the education sector for almost 20 years. This gives her the unique ability to home in on the needs of her clients and their families challenged with the diverse spectrums of what is classified as mental disabilities. With Brain Soulutions, the shift for these children can be profound. Julie is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, healer, and teacher who believes that all beings are worthy of love and belonging. Julie’s extensive knowledge about neuroplasticity, trauma, and its impact on the brain and learning, offer her clients a unique opportunity to heal on a deep level. She works with her clients and students to identify patterns and key issues that offer profound healing and awakening. Julie is truly passionate about helping others heal their spirit, mind, and body to fully embrace living life fully. Julie has had the grace to study with Master Teacher Brook Still (creator of Brain Soulutions) for over a decade and the great honor of studying and learning from multiple healing modalities and lineages. Through these, she has experienced radical, profound and deeply transformational healing for herself giving her the unique ability to serve others at an unprecedented level. It is her great honor to have the opportunity to serve you.

Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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