May 25. 2018 | by Brook Still | [ssba title="60 Seconds of Light" url=""]
Hello Beautiful People! It is our absolute joy to share 60 Seconds of Light with you! 60 Seconds of Light is a free monthly global meditation and healing. During the 3 day of each new moon we focus on a specific energy that is represented by a highly energized picture and intentional phrasing created by...
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| by Brook Still | [ssba title="60 Seconds of Light" url=""]
Hello Beautiful People! It is our absolute joy to share 60 Seconds of Light with you! 60 Seconds of Light is a free monthly global meditation and healing. During the 3 day of each new moon we focus on a specific energy that is represented by a highly energized picture and intentional phrasing created by Brook....
Read the full article here