February 2016 – A-Ha! Moments with Brook Still


February 2016 – A-Ha! Moments with Brook Still

How to Truly Be Happy – Living Life as a Multi-Dimensional Being


In this A-Ha! Moments with Brook enjoy the energetic downloads, teachings, meditations and discussions.  Here are some of the highlights from the class:


  • A deep teaching on happiness from the personality and soul level
  • Understanding karma around the use of your gifts in this life
  • How to run multiple waves of energy at the same time to make it easy to interact with everyone and maintain your light
  • How to help empower other people in your interactions to bring them to greater states of awareness and light
  • How to move at multiple speeds of light & clear belief systems that keep you trapped in suffering allowing for more joy
  • How we resonate from genetic factors to social and environmental factors in understanding why we vibrate In certain patterns & habits
  • A gentle meditation to clear where you are stuck in your Life and bring peace to where you are hurting
  • The process of awakening vs. enlightenment
  • Receive a major healing from oppression in any form and embody self-acceptance
  • Teachings on awakening from a state of joy vs. suffering
  • Clearing up the energy of wanting to give up, shifting into an amazing state of surrender
  • Where illness stems from and why people call that experience into them
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