These tools are not to be shared.  Only those that attended the class have been given this link.

Below, are the pages we promised to share from the PowerPoint in class.  These pages have been edited to make each point shared very clear.  Each page has been grided and blessed for you by Brook.

Arul Initiation/Practice

This recording is done for you to practice and develop the Arul light in your brain.  It is recorded in English with Hebrew translation by Keren Yadid. It is our heartfelt desire and hope that these serve you in going deeper into your practice with Arul. It will empower and change your brain. Once Arul is developed in the brain, it change your entire body.  I suggest that do the breathwork and visualization from this recording before doing mala or kirtan practices for the best results. May the light of Arul fill you and expand your light! May it create more joy in you and a greater ability to be in service to all you are called to serve. May you all be blessed in Divine Light of Arul!

Kirtan of Arul with Brook

This recording is done for you to practice and develop the Arul light playing in the sweet energy of Kirtan.  It is recorded so that Brook sings and you repeat after her until the last two lines where we all sing together. It is done with the intended energy of us merging our hearts in adoration of the Divine in gratitude together while increasing Arul in your whole being. There is an example recording of one round what it would sound like being sung back in the first recording and then the full 6 minute Kirtan is below that.

Kirtan Example

Kirtan for Arul

Arul Mantra using a Mala Set

This recording is done for you to practice and develop the Arul light using a Mala.  The recording is done with the mantra 27 times. So to do the full 108 you will need to play it 4 times. We recommend that if you choose to purchase a mala that you get one that is made of rudraksha beads (also known as the tears of Shiva). There are 108 beads to a mala, hence the reason this mantra is done 108 times. The bead at the end you do not touch as it holds all the power of your practice that is stored in the mala. When chanting, hang the mala from your middle finger of the right hand. Move each bead using your thumb one at a time as you chant the mantra.  You do not touch the mala with your index finger while doing the mantra.  In Hindu teachings the index finger represents the ego so it is not involved when you practice. I have posted a picture above for your reference to know what a mala of rudraksha looks like.

In this recording, the mantra is performed quickly.  You may take as long as you wish, this is just one possibility.  You may also choose to say the word Arul 108 times instead if you wish. These have all been done in support of you creating a practice that works for you.

Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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