There is one single night of the year that the energies of the Moon meet with the energies of the Earth in such a way that energetic and physical youthing can occur in the human body if you activate it properly. This is the night of the Harvest Moon. The ceremony to activate this Youthing that we will be doing has been practiced in Africa with amazing results. It aligns our Soul and physical body in such a way that it assists in rejuvenating, healing and "youthing" the entire physical system. Our physical bodies age from many factors; stress, digesting and breathing toxins, radiation from modern devices all the way to linear physical time beliefs and patterns from the collective consciousness. We can actively shift these. We can choose to live in physical bodies that do not age in a conventional way. This ceremony preformed properly, not only works on physical appearance, it brings back vitality on a cellular level. The internal and external energies activated in the body during this ceremony can release two or more years of physical […]