Letting Go of Control Issues

Letting Go of Control Issues

September 7. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Letting Go of Control Issues" url="https://creationcenter.org/letting-go-of-control-issues/"]

Letting go of control issues can become so overwhelming and stressful that many of us find it debilitating, and when we are deep in it there are many...

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Relationships, Forgiveness & Reincarnation

August 10. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="Relationships, Forgiveness & Reincarnation" url="https://creationcenter.org/relationships-forgiveness-reincarnation/"]

In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still discusses how true forgiveness plays a role in our relationships and how this is carried forward into future...

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Needing Others to Change in Order to Forgive Them

July 28. 2016 | by Brook Still | Ask Brook, Featured Articles[ssba title="Needing Others to Change in Order to Forgive Them" url="https://creationcenter.org/needing-others-to-change-in-order-to-forgive-them/"]

Q. How can I really forgiving someone when they won't change? ~ Lisa H. – Texas   A. This is a challenging piece to move through and I'm grateful you asked this, you are not alone in feeling this way.  We don’t forgive someone else to make them feel better, to absolve them of their sins.  No one needs another human’s absolution to be clear and considered pure again, thank God.  We forgive so that we can get past the pain of our hurts and expand our capacity to love even more.  We forgive so that we can let go of staying trapped in the old energy of pain and unhealthy connections to that other person/situation. Ultimately we have no right to judge anyone, inherently there is good in bad people and bad in good people, myself included.  I have also seen people choose not to forgive because they lack the courage to move forward with their life.  It is safer to stay in that energetic rut than to allow themselves the freedom to move forward to get past the...

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What To Think During Meditation – Do We Need To Master Our Mental Chatter?

March 10. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="What To Think During Meditation – Do We Need To Master Our Mental Chatter?" url="https://creationcenter.org/what-to-think-during-meditation-do-we-need-to-master-our-mental-chatter/"]

Mental chatter in meditation is something most people feel they have to stop, however, there is an easy way to master this with remarkable results.  Let’s look at this from a different point of view.  Many often wonder what to think during meditation to stop the chatter.  It's not about stopping the mental chatter, it’s about moving outside of your thoughts going through their motions.  It’s like noticing what your brain is thinking and not being personally involved in it.  The quality of your thoughts are important for inner happiness, but to think you cannot meditate with any thoughts is a set up for failure.  It’s like saying you can’t meditate unless it is completely quiet around you.  Yet can you not hear yourself breathing or the pulsation of your blood being pumped through your ears?  If this were the case, only the deaf could meditate.  Your brain is a gift, it's doing its job coming up with new wonderful ways of playing and experiencing life.  Where it can cause a disturbance in your meditation is when you are not...

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Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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