Spherical Magic

January 14. 2025 | by Brook Still | [ssba title="Spherical Magic" url="https://creationcenter.org/event/spherical-magic/"]

Join me for a special two-hour Zoom training to receive the initiation and teachings for Spherical Magic as well as a specific shamanic nature and universal blessing to deepen your ability to stay connected, centered, and energetically clear. This is the first time I am offering this training. It will serve to empower you and instill a practice that will keep you engaged in compassionate action while maintaining a relaxed state. This is so vital for our lives right now.  It is fast, it is expansive, and it is a very clear path for working with your Soul in all its incarnations for immediate results now. For many, this year is going to be an unprecedented year of deep change.  This year of completion is so set in its energy it looks to be almost written as fated change.  It will make life very challenging if you continue to ignore lessons and not take the actions that you know you need to complete in order to live and be in your Truth.  This is a chance to dive in and...

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Earthing and Healing Seasonal Depression – SAD

December 15. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="Earthing and Healing Seasonal Depression – SAD" url="https://creationcenter.org/healing-sad/"]

In this video Brook Shares: Why earthing is so important for the body. How walking with earthing shoes helps you and the power of intentional walking to manifest things...

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Relationships, Forgiveness & Reincarnation

August 10. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="Relationships, Forgiveness & Reincarnation" url="https://creationcenter.org/relationships-forgiveness-reincarnation/"]

In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still discusses how true forgiveness plays a role in our relationships and how this is carried forward into future...

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Healing Soul Loss

Healing Soul Loss

July 13. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Healing Soul Loss" url="https://creationcenter.org/healing-soul-loss/"]

Healing soul loss begins by understanding what the shamans have actually referred to as soul loss for centuries. Please know, that your soul is whole and...

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Balancing Your Energy Through Nature’s Seasons (March 2016 A-Ha! Moments)

May 4. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="Balancing Your Energy Through Nature’s Seasons (March 2016 A-Ha! Moments)" url="https://creationcenter.org/brook-still-balancing-energy-natures-seasons-march-2016/"]

In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still discusses how to balance and align yourself with the energy of nature's seasons and how to use each season's...

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January 2016 – Discovering Hidden Patterns from our Genetics

April 6. 2017 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Videos[ssba title="January 2016 – Discovering Hidden Patterns from our Genetics" url="https://creationcenter.org/january-2016-discovering-hidden-patterns-genetics/"]

In this A-Ha! Moments excerpt Brook Still shares a teaching on how hidden patterns from our genetics can show up and how many generations back these can affect...

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Creating the Healing Gift of Full Presence through Deep Listening

January 20. 2016 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Creating the Healing Gift of Full Presence through Deep Listening" url="https://creationcenter.org/creating-the-healing-gift-of-full-presence-through-deep-listening/"]

People have always had challenges, pains, and sufferings. The most powerful way to heal that trauma is by coming together with one another and being fully present with each other through listening deeply. Deep listening is a practice that has been the cornerstone of indigenous healers for centuries, myself included. It is not only practiced when we work with those who have come for healing, but also when we move in nature. This is where it shifts from having a conversation heart to heart with another, to heart to nature, where the trees, plants and deva’s speak with us from that state of open awareness, the depth of deep listening. My best reference; a deep contemplation in a relaxed state. This space of being in nature creates deep peace. This sacred way of being is taught to us when we are young. This is not the way most Westerners have been trained. Because of this when we start to process our pain we stop it mid-track. We feel unsafe, judged, or not heard, and because of this we shut down,...

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Healing Relationships with the Energy of this New Moon

August 14. 2015 | by Brook Still | A-Ha! Moments, Featured Articles[ssba title="Healing Relationships with the Energy of this New Moon" url="https://creationcenter.org/healing-relationships-with-the-energy-of-this-new-moon/"]

This month we are in the middle of the Venus Retrograde and our New Moon is in Leo. A very simple breakdown of the energy of this is that when we move into a Venus Retrograde it generally refers to a fated period around our love lives where we may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. In this retrograde we are in the energy of Leo and this gives us the opportunity to do this as a Soul from really being aware of how we’ve created these experiences through our personalities. It is huge to stay in alignment during this time to do the best work possible on healing these pieces for yourself and those you love so as not to fall into the trap of feeling victimized or beating yourself up for having been the aggressor in your relationships. I love that the Perseids meteor shower took place yesterday morning to herald in the energy for today. This shower originates from a place called the radiant in the constellation of Perseus and most particles...

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Increasing Your Abilities As a Healer

August 6. 2015 | by Brook Still | Ask Brook, Featured Articles[ssba title="Increasing Your Abilities As a Healer" url="https://creationcenter.org/increasing-your-abilities-as-a-healer/"]

Q.How can I trust that what I am doing as a healer is right for the people I am working on, how do I know if it will work? - Annie, Malaysia   A. Annie, thank you for writing. You wrote a lot of things down and in looking at your letter the basic question I was able to get out of it was what is written above. I can see you’re going through a phase, which so many of us healers go through, and I share this with the intention that it helps you move through this with more grace. For many healing practitioners, we start with one modality, think its great, start our work in bliss, and have our first few clients, and things are going great. We’re happy, they’re happy, the results look good, and then it stops being as effective, or we get new people in that this particular tool doesn’t work for. This is the point when we will start judging ourselves. There are two things people usually do at this stage; give up, or...

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Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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