Advanced Neuroplasticity – New York

Balance Arts Center 34 West 28th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY, United States

This 2-Day Practitioner Training is designed for both the healing practitioner and those curious to delve into neuroplasticity for themselves. The depth of understanding how our brains work has taken great leaps forward over the past 10 years. We can literally re-wire our brains by forming new connections and weakening old ones. When we learn a new skill or create a new habit/pattern this is a form of neuroplasticity. We also use neuroplasticity to heal the brain from issues such as the effects of a stroke, brain injury, birth abnormalities, helping to overcome autism, ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities. We also can incorporate this in shifting out of depression, healing addictions and reversing obsessive compulsive patterns. Basic techniques in the practice of neuropsychology have great results. These techniques combined with the powerful energetic transmission you will receive during this 2-day training catapults this work from great to phenomenal. Welcome to Advanced Neuroplasticity! During our time together we will play and challenge ourselves and our thought patterns to look at life in different ways, from new perspectives, learning new tasks, or […]

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Seibert Residence 2220 East Marshall Ave., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Impromptu ceremony next weekend in Phoenix, AZ!  Space has 21 seats and we only have 6 spots left as we list this today. Traditionally prepared ceremonial cacao is a magical and sacred concoction. It is not at all like drinking a regular cup of hot chocolate. It’s a strong and powerful drink, mixed with spices, to awaken the energetic properties of the cacao for deep healing and empowerment. During ceremony the activation's of the cacao in your body provides the opportunity to understand yourself at a very deep level. Giving you access to heal old patterns and traumas, or move into a state of greater joy, creativity and self-awareness. It is a heart centered healing and activator and with Brook's guidance, teaching and energy work during our time together it offers a profound level of healing. Unlike a hallucinogenic, cacao takes you to the door of your awakening and offers you the opportunity to walk through it yourself, without forcing you. It is a gentle and magnificent healer. Sacred ceremonial cacao is prepared in such a way that, the properties […]


Brain Soulutions – Advanced Neuroplasticity – France

France Poitiers, France

This 3-Day Practitioner Training is designed for both the healing practitioner and those curious to delve into neuroplasticity for themselves. The depth of understanding how our brains work has taken great leaps forward over the past 10 years. We can literally re-wire our brains by forming new connections and weakening old ones. When we learn a new skill or create a new habit/pattern this is a form of neuroplasticity. We also use neuroplasticity to heal the brain from issues such as the effects of a stroke, brain injury, birth abnormalities, helping to overcome autism, ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities. We also can incorporate this in shifting out of depression, healing addictions and reversing obsessive compulsive patterns. Basic techniques in the practice of neuropsychology have great results. These techniques combined with the powerful energetic transmission you will receive during this 3-day training catapults this work from great to phenomenal. Welcome to Advanced Neuroplasticity! During our time together we will play and challenge ourselves and our thought patterns to look at life in different ways, from new perspectives, learning new tasks, or […]

Sacred Sites Awakening Tour – Tour #1 for Ireland

Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland

To learn more about this tour and/or register please visit our event page on this site by clicking on this link. To learn about our Brain Soulutions training in Ireland after this tour, please click on this link.

Brain Soulutions – Advanced Neuroplasticity – Ireland

Creacon Wellness Retreat Creaken Lower, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland

This 3-Day Practitioner Training is designed for both the healing practitioner and those curious to delve into neuroplasticity for themselves. The depth of understanding how our brains work has taken great leaps forward over the past 10 years. We can literally re-wire our brains by forming new connections and weakening old ones. When we learn a new skill or create a new habit/pattern this is a form of neuroplasticity. We also use neuroplasticity to heal the brain from issues such as the effects of a stroke, brain injury, birth abnormalities, helping to overcome autism, ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities. We also can incorporate this in shifting out of depression, healing addictions and reversing obsessive compulsive patterns. Basic techniques in the practice of neuropsychology have great results. These techniques combined with the powerful energetic transmission you will receive during this 3-day training catapults this work from great to phenomenal. Welcome to Brain Soulutions! During our time together we will play and challenge ourselves and our thought patterns to look at life in different ways, from new perspectives, learning new tasks, or […]

Sacred Sites Awakening Tour – Tour #2 for Ireland

Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland

To learn more about this tour and/or register please visit our event page on this site by clicking on this link. To learn about our Brain Soulutions training in Ireland before this tour, please click on this link.

Harvest Moon Youthing & Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Dockweiler Beach 11999 Vista Del Mar, Playa Del Rey, CA, United States

There is one single night of the year that the energies of the Moon meet with the energies of the Earth in such a way that energetic and physical youthing can occur in the human body if you activate it properly. This is the night of the Harvest Moon. The ceremony to activate this Youthing that we will be doing has been practiced in Africa with amazing results. It aligns our Soul and physical body in such a way that it assists in rejuvenating, healing and "youthing" the entire physical system. Our physical bodies age from many factors; stress, digesting and breathing toxins, radiation from modern devices all the way to linear physical time beliefs and patterns from the collective consciousness. We can actively shift these. We can choose to live in physical bodies that do not age in a conventional way. This ceremony preformed properly, not only works on physical appearance, it brings back vitality on a cellular level. The internal and external energies activated in the body during this ceremony can release two or more years of physical […]


Brain Soulutions – Los Angeles

Creation Center 6009 Capetown Street, Lakewood, CA, United States

Brain Soulutions is for the healing practitioner and those curious to delve deeper into healing. In our training, we teach a form of advanced neuroplasticity that cuts down the time to create new neural pathways by at least half. Brain Soulutions connects the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems using techniques that create dynamic multi-system healings with remarkable results. We cover in-depth understanding of all three systems from an energetic and scientific standpoint. Brain Soulutions is the only healing system we know that consciously works all three systems together for powerful physical healing and empowered life changes. During Our 3-Days Together You Will… Receive powerful healings and activations to support you in this work and advance your own awakening. Explore how the brain works all the while lighting up each section of the brain for more adaptability. Find out which parts of your brain are your strengths and challenges and how to recognize this in others. Receive powerful energetic healing to rapidly create and strengthen new neural pathways while simultaneously weakening old ones. Learn how to bio-hack your brain and digestive […]

Beyond the Essene – Sacred Tour through Jordan & Israel with Brook

Assalamu Alaikum & Shalom Beautiful People! It is with great joy that I am able to share our Beyond the Essene Sacred Tour through Jordan and Israel.  It has been a long time coming!  This offering is precious to me and I am so grateful that I get to share it with you.  So, breathe, take a moment and feel some of the offering in this sacred tour that we get to experience together: See the night sky as you may never have experienced it before, free of light pollution, on the new moon, in the desert of Wadi Rum. Connect into the energy of the Milky Way and to our Star Family. I have also arranged for an astronomer and telescope viewing to walk you through the constellations. Delve into the ecstatic poems of Rumi around the circle of fire. Receive high level teachings of the Essene and the blessings of the Luminaries that shared the way of enlightenment with them As a mystic, walk the sacred Christ path as we activate and balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine […]

Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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