Brain Soulutions – Advanced Neuroplasticity – Germany

Germany Munchen, Germany

This 3-Day Practitioner Training is designed for both the healing practitioner and those curious to delve into neuroplasticity for themselves. The depth of understanding how our brains work has taken great leaps forward over the past 10 years. We can literally re-wire our brains by forming new connections and weakening old ones. When we learn a new skill or create a new habit/pattern this is a form of neuroplasticity. We also use neuroplasticity to heal the brain from issues such as the effects of a stroke, brain injury, birth abnormalities, helping to overcome autism, ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities. We also can incorporate this in shifting out of depression, healing addictions and reversing obsessive compulsive patterns. Basic techniques in the practice of neuropsychology have great results. These techniques combined with the powerful energetic transmission you will receive during this 3-day training catapults this work from great to phenomenal. Welcome to Advanced Neuroplasticity! During our time together we will play and challenge ourselves and our thought patterns to look at life in different ways, from new perspectives, learning new tasks, or […]

The Power of Active Co-Creation

Waschstumsraum Mathildenstraße 12, München, Germany

Start the New Year Empowered to Manifest from an Awakened State If you’ve tried vision boards, meditations or mantras for attracting things in your life without achieving the full results you were looking for this class is for you! With most manifestation techniques, the energy behind it has been on either opening the heart or awakening the mind to manifest things. We actually need to have both the heart and mind fully activated and working together for high-level manifestation and awareness to be realized. Spend an afternoon with Brook as she teaches and transmutes powerful waves of energy to help adjust and align these both within your body. Give yourself the gift of co-creation on a whole new level. In this class with Brook we will: Receive a major teaching on how manifestation actually works. Learn about the Soul Focus Point and energetically activate this within all participants for instant manifestation and actualization. Marvel in how easy it is to dive into the energy of manifesting for yourself and ourselves. Take our attention deeper into understanding the power of true […]

Ein schöner Tod – München, Deutschland – Zoom

Selina Tel Aviv Beach 2 Shenkar Street, Tel Aviv, Israel

Ein schöner Tod Ein tiefgründiges Teaching für Lebende und Sterbende Der Tod ist eine universelle menschliche Erfahrung. Wie wir damit umgehen, hängt weitgehend von der Person ab, die ihn erfährt, von den Menschen, die sie umgeben und von ihren kulturellen und religiösen Überzeugungen. In diesem Workshop unterrichtet Brook, was für sie selbst eine der wichtigsten und vollständigsten Lehren ist, die wir alle brauchen, um einen schönen Tod gestalten zu können. Die Teachings, die Brook an diesem Wochenende teilt, beruhen auf ihrer jahrelangen Erfahrung, den Raum zu halten für sterbende Menschen, Beerdigungen vorzubereiten und zu begleiten sowie den Übergang von kürzlich verstorbenen Seelen zu unterstützen. Sie wird auch auf einige der unterschiedlichen Glaubensvorstellungen und zeremoniellen Praktiken aus verschiedenen Kulturen und Traditionen eingehen und diese auf sinnvolle Weise miteinander verbinden, so dass wir das Geschenk des Todes verstehen und das Leben hier und jetzt feiern können. Einige der in diesem Kurs behandelten Inhalte sind: Aufschlüsselung dessen, was ein Mensch im Sterbeprozess braucht, um seinen Übergang körperlich und emotional so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Die Phasen eines natürlichen Todes kennenlernen, wie die […]


Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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